Sunday, April 5, 2009

A little boy among big kids

Dear Luke,

I remember those days when you played with those big kids in the backyard.  You took on big kids twice your size and never backed down once.  Took hits from them, ran faster than them, you were smarter than they were out to conquer them.  The drive to be stronger, better, faster, and just plain did not want to lose.   Those days were some very memorable as I saw that drive to succeed.   An active little boy, who just never stopped until it was time for bed.  Just about falling into bed a sleep before your feet left the ground.  

You take this memory to the bank!   As you move into the work place, there are going to be much larger kids (I call them Elephants) that will attempt to take you down and take you places you may not want to go.  Use these memories and stay strong and keep that drive to succeed, the world does not seem to be getting any simplier and only the strong like you are going to thrive.

Love ya,
