Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tough Times; just not understanding

Dear Luke,

It has been tough times for me after changing jobs.  I worry everyday that I am able to continue to support you the best I know how.  I just am not understanding how to help.   My prays and long walks are my therapy.   It's summer time again, so the walk on the Golf Course sets me free for the moment.   I am working on seeing what it takes to relocate in order to find your medicine.  Its just not like days of old where you pack up the few items of clothing and your golf clubs jump in the car and drive.   We have a small enterprise running in the house with all the neat, new, cool, fun stuff; along with a basement full of who knows what.

I can say that I have been in touch with some old buddies that worked with me in attempt to figure this out.  Thank you for your understanding and I am sorry if I just don't get it.

Love ya,


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Computer Whiz Kid

Dear Luke,

Thanks for the help in getting the network stuff setup and tested.   I am happy you are happy you can "HOST".   Have some fun and when are you going to teach me how to play some of those games.   You are such a whiz kid at this stuff.   I happy you enjoy playing those games.  I just pray that your health will return and that you be your old high energy self again real soon.   I really enjoyed working on the network stuff with you.   Perhaps we can do some more together soon!

Love ya,   Dad

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birdthday 17th

Dear Luke,  it's your 17th birthday, wow 17!   You are little man and I am so proud of you how you have handled yourself as a young teenager.  Must teenagers are out lookinig for trouble, getting in lots of trouble and make lots of bad choices.  You have decided to keep it real and I am proud of that!    Sometimes it frustrates me that you stay locked up in your room, but the up side is that I know you are safe.   Please get better and stay active or you will get fat like me.   In 30 years, you will be working your butt off to get back in shape.

You have a great birthday, get healthy and have a great spring break!   Game on - you can HOST!

Love ya, Dad

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What I learned today?

Dear Luke,

As you know, I read, search, and ask lots of questions of people.  This has been my job for 20 years.  Everyday I learn something new and in the computer industry are required to learn new stuff all the time.  You never stop learning...

So, I learned about your illness (chronic fatigue syndrome) also know as CFS.   I learned that you need to (as much as it pains you) using that drive, I know you have, to get up and do some exercising to help you sleep at night.  Also, you need to get some vitiman D ("sun light").  These two things like when you were a little boy help you to fight off viruses and can get you back on your feet. I sure miss that energy (you remember when I used to race you around the house, you always beat me!).

Dig deep Luke and fight this crap!

Love ya,


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Out with Mono - That Sucks!

Dear Luke,   Now you have missed some school work and even had to miss some days are work.  I hope that you will have the focus necessary to dig in and get back on track with work.  You have the smarts and are really a hard worker when you mind is rested.   Keep up the rest and eating right, so you don't miss so much school.  I would tell you that you should invest in a short-term disability package that allows you to miss work for illness and get paid.  Otherwise, you might find yourself without work and without pay.  This would really suck when Mom is not there handing you twenties.   Get well; stay well; and work work your butt off.  Baseball is near and I am excited for a great pitching season.  It should be a blast!  I pray and hope that you get a chance to play again (I know I missed Basketball as soon as High School was over for me), enjoy the moments you get as a high schooler!

Love ya,


Monday, March 1, 2010

Remembering that perfect game

Dear Luke,

An All-Star in Little League, Luke was amazing.  Drifting into the game like another day in the park, he took the mound against the 6 best on the other All-Star team.  As a pitcher, he only was allowed to pitch 2 innings.  Luke made the best of those innings against those 6 best of the other team.  Batter 1 up to the plate; the look in Luke's eyes from 45 feet from the plate was directly on the catchers mit.  First pitch, strike one; second pitch strike two; batter steps out to get sign; next pitch strike three; batters out.  Now there were 5 more batters to come to face Luke each battled at the plate.  At the end of that 2nd inning of pitching the scores book showed   K   K    K    K    K    K.

Wow!   You rarely see that in little league.  Normally, you see this kind of stuff in the Majors.  It was that moment when Luke knew he had the stuff.  What a memory for all those watching that game.

Love ya,   Dad

Dear Luke

Dear Luke,

My dearest Luke, you have such talent.  I wish you all the best in what ever you pursue.  If you wanted to be a Doctor, I beleive you could be a doctor; if you wanted to be a professional athlete, I beleive you could be a professional athlete.  You have been blessed by god with skills that you hide so well.  Let those skills out and bring all your energy to the surface to challenge yourself to do well for all the world to see.   I dare you.

Love ya,
